Acupuncture (zhenjiu in Chinese) is a traditional form of needle therapy that is centuries old. In recent years, it has gained increasing popularity in the West as successful means of alternative treatment for chronic pain and other ailments. Acupuncture uses thin, sanitized needles, which are inserted at various points on the body. Acupuncture offers a proven and trusted treatment for chronic pain, illness, and many other ailments that are not always effectively treatable through Western medicine.

Herbal medicine
One of the cornerstones of traditional Chinese medicine is Chinese herbalism. Practiced and documented for nearly 2,500 years, the use of herbs and herbal remedies in Chinese medicine has a long and successful history. Herbs are used in conjunction with other forms of treatment, such as acupuncture, to treat multiple ailments at the same time. Many health problems can be successfully treated using this approach to medicine.

Pulse diagnosis
Chinese pulse diagnosis is one of the most accurate ways to diagnose health problems. Using a person's pulse, we can detect even the most subtle signs of distress in a person's body. Using the blood flow from the radial artery of the wrist, it is easy to discern a roadmap for the patient's health conditions. Many common health problems can be detected through pulse diagnosis.

TDP (Heat) Therapy
Similar to Moxibustion, TDP (Heat) therapy uses infrared heat to increase the body's microcirculation and promote increased fascia. This begins to speed up the body's natural healing process. Using the heat lamp at various points on the body can greatly reduce chronic pain and other ailments and afflictions for patients.

Cupping therapy
Cupping therapy has also been practiced for thousands of years. This alternative form of medicine uses localized suction on various parts of the body through the use of "cups". Suction is created using heat or mechanical devices. The suction created mobilizes blood flow to promote further healing in the body.

Auricular Therapy - Ear acupuncture
Auricular therapy is a type of acupuncture that involves stimulating acupuncture points in the ears with small seeds or granules. These seeds are painless when attached and no larger than the small tip of a pencil. A wide variety of diseases and conditions can be treated effectively using only the ears. This direct "connection" to the brain offers quick results and a quick path to healing.

In this holistic treatment, small bruises are created by scraping the skin at various points. The practice of Guasha, which means "to catch wind", allows unhealthy elements to be released from certain areas. It also stimulates better blood flow throughout the body. Using a smooth stone or edge, practitioners can safely stimulate the skin through light pressure.

Moxibustion uses the herb moxa, which is made from dried mugwort. Accompanied by heat, moxa aids circulation and helps blood and qi flow more smoothly. Moxibustion can increase energy, treat chronic pain and is also beneficial in issues of excess and deficiency in the body. Greatly improves blood flow.